The Hospitality Committee is a group of parent volunteers and booster members who feeds the students, directors, and volunteers a full meal prior to showtime on competition days. We also provide snacks and water at select band events. This ensures our band is able to perform at their best!
Here is the Hospitality Sign-Up for donations for the current marching band season

Competition schedules are tricky, so we need to communicate, be flexible, and be prepared. The following are some details that will help us all get on the same page.
For each competition, the Hospitality Committee should plan to feed approximately 110 – 120 people a full meal, keeping in mind options for food allergies and dietary restrictions* (e.g. gluten free, diabetic, Kosher). Budget estimate for the main meal is approximately $140 and receipts must be turned in to receive reimbursement on the day of the competition. Additionally, the volunteers in the Hospitality Committee will provide donations of side dishes as needed.
Meals should be planned to be self contained as we rarely have access to electricity or running water when on-site at the host school. As such, meals should be cooked, transported at serving temperature, and ready to serve upon arrival. TIP: Insulated coolers can keep hot food hot and cold food cold.
At the beginning of the competition season, students will be assigned variety packs of individually packaged snack/drink/dessert items to donate that will accompany the main meal. The call for donations should be made as needed throughout the competition season.
Parent volunteers / Hospitality Committee will:
- Plan, shop, prepare meal
- Request meal donations
- Transport meal to competition site
- Make a plan to keep food warm or cold
- Plan for setup and serving (quick and efficient at event site)
- Communicate with other parents as to how we can help serve as quickly as possible (when given cue from band directors)
Music Boosters (MMAC) will:
- Promote food needs through emails and our facebook group
- Provide paper products as needed (plates, plastic silverware, napkins, cups, sturdy bowls, trash bags for cleanup, serving utensils)
- Provide tables and shade for serving area (parents supplement as needed)
- Provide cooler with ice for chilled bottled water
MMAC is able to feed such a large group of people because of volunteers who are willing to make meals at home or request donated items from local businesses and restaurant chains. Donated snack and dessert items help to make the meal complete. The following is a list of meal and dessert suggestions that we have prepared in the past.
Meal suggestions:
- Pizza and salad
- Sub sandwiches
- Pulled pork/beef sandwiches
- Sliced deli meat/cheese on rolls
- Chili or substantial soup with hearty bread
- Lasagna or casseroles
- Macaroni and cheese
- Hot dogs and buns
- Walking tacos
Dessert/side ideas**: (request parents / Hospitality Committee bring donated items)
- Fresh fruit (washed apples, grapes; sliced watermelon)
- Vegetables (sliced and washed)
- Chips and salty snacks (individually packaged)
- Prepackaged applesauce
- String cheese
- Yogurt (Go-Gurt style)
- Muffins
- Rice crispy treats, sliced
- Cookies
- Brownies, sliced
**NOTE REGARDING FROSTING: Avoid donating sweets with frosting and icing. Students often eat when they are in uniform and we like to keep spills and stains to a minimum.
Additionally, during home football games, the Hospitality Committee will provide a meal for the marching band with assistance from Concessions. Volunteers working concessions will serve hotdogs, and donated snack items and chilled water will be served as well. Occasionally, Hospitality will make a call for parents to donate snacks to feed the visiting team’s marching band, as well.
It takes a village to keep our marching band running smoothly, and our students could not do this without generous volunteers like YOU! Thank you in advance for your support of Middletown High School Marching Band!
*NOTE REGARDING DIETARY RESTRICTIONS / FOOD ALLERGIES: Parents, please contact the hospitality chairperson to speak directly about your student’s dietary restrictions and food allergies.