Welcome to Middletown Marching Band! We have compiled a list of resources to help parents and students navigate the marching band season. Click the links below for more information.
Schedules (scroll down)
Reporting Absences (scroll down)
Communication Methods (scroll down)
Band Camp Rideshare (scroll down)
Reporting Absences
If your student will be absent from marching band rehearsal, game / performance, or competition, please report their absence by submitting a Student Absence Form. Please be sure to note if an absence is Covid related.
Band Camp Ride Share
Any student that is going to have challenges with transportation to and from MHS for band camp practices and activities should fill out the Student Band Camp Ride Form.
The Fall Performance Schedule is posted, and important dates are listed. Practice is every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:00pm to 5:30pm after school. Color guard should check the Band App for their updated schedule.
The Summer Pre-Camp Schedule is posted. Pre-camp begins on Monday, 07/10/2023, for all students. Please be aware of the entire schedule so you know which days you have afternoon practices. (Colorguard should refer to their schedule on their Colorguard BAND app.)
The Band Camp Schedule is posted. Band camp week begins Sunday, 07/23/2023, and runs through Friday, 07/28/2023, ending with an overnight at The Web. Band camp is required for all students. It is important for the success of the group that ALL students be at ALL practices, meals and activities. The success of this week will have a tremendous impact on our entire marching band season. It is also important to note that in order to to ensure the proper band camp focus, all practices are closed to ALL non-performers, and all meals/activities are closed to non-performers with exception of essential volunteers. All meals and activities are covered by the marching band fees.
Current Show
Information on the current show, upcoming performances, and itineraries can be found on the Current Show page. The document OMEA Quick Rules Guide for Parents provides an overview of etiquette for marching band adjudicated events (aka, contests, competitions, invitationals).
The Middletown Musical Arts Club Facebook Page has up to date information and events listed.
Videos of past performances can be found on the Marching Band Performance Videos page.
Communication Methods
We will use the following means of communication throughout the season.
- Emails sent out weekly once the fall season begins
- Remind group text notifications:
- Parents join by texting @23middiep to the phone number 81010
- Students join by texting @middie2023 to the phone number 81010
- Facebook Group – Middletown Middies Band Program
- This group is private. Please complete the brief survey in order to join.
About Middletown Marching Band
For years, the Middletown Marching Band has had a tradition of success and superior performance and has qualified and competed in State Finals each of the last 20 years. This past year was no exception, as the 2022 marching band won countless awards as well as a Superior rating at State Finals. Middletown Marching Band is made of the finest students at Middletown High School as well as a caring and talented staff.
We want every student to have the experience of being a part of the marching band. It is truly a unique opportunity that offers so much to the students who choose to participate. Marching band not only offers great musical benefits, but it is an activity that teaches discipline, pride, leadership, self-confidence, and a positive work ethic. Our members become part of a TRUE tradition of excellence, and enjoy a rich experience competing and performing throughout the state of Ohio. ALSO, MARCHING BAND IS A LOT OF FUN! We feel that it is an enjoyable, positive experience for all those involved.
Upcoming Events
A full listing of available calendars can be found on the Calendar Subscriptions page.